A competitive non-stop 2 days secure coding challenge!

A competitive non-stop 2 days secure coding challenge!
The “IMQ Minded Security Hackathon Event” is designed to give developers a fun and challenging event that will create at the same time security awareness through a highly stimulative learning path.
How it works
A set of developers teams register to the Hackathon competition.
During the two days competition they are given tasks and execution time limits.
The given tasks are about implementing security features resembling the daily challenges faced by developing a security critical web system, for example and e-banking website.
At the end of the task time, the teams commit their solutions (code repository) and the admins of the event evaluate the quality of the solutions and update the event scoreboard. This is done with manual code review and with automated vulnerability discovery tools by IMQ Minded Security’s “Admin team”.
The live scoreboard will keep up the level of the challenge!
At the end of the two days event there will be an award ceremony where the teams will be given prizes and participation prizes.
One way arrange the best logistic is to rent a coworking-space dedicated to the event. The facilities usually offer the most comfortable environment to participants.
Security Learning
The tasks are designed to incentivize security coding best practices and active learning.
This has been proved to be on of the most effective way to get active learning of security coding for developers!
Hackathon events are fashionable for developers (improving their CVs) and will improve the reputation of the Organization sponsoring it.
It is a very innovative way of provide high value event to developers where they do what they are supposed to do: write secure code. It is not the usual break-the-website or capture-the-flag event. Developers win by creating secure code using enterprise’s technologies in an high stress situation.