I would like to be updated regarding the Cyber Security Threats

Would you like to participate to a seminar about the latest best practices in the Software Security field?
Are you interested in understanding the latest attack techniques and how to defend your web applications?
Do you want to learn more about secure software without the need of moving from home?
IMQ Minded Security is pleased to offer you a series of interesting webinars about these and other topics related to software security. If you are interested, register to our webinar service.
1) Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis: 1h webinar
Marco Morana will introduce the PASTA process, the objectives and what are the benefits for the Companies that will use it. The Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis is a structured process that helps people involved in information security in identifying security risks before that they occurs. During this webinar Marco will explain how different actors can have benefits by using this process.
2) JavaScript Security and DOMinatorPro: 1h webinar
Stefano Di Paola will introduce the JavaScript security and the flaws that can affect also the most widespread JavaScript frameworks. He will talk about the methodology that it is necessary to use in order to find these vulnerabilities in your JavaScript code and then he will show how to detect these bugs using DOMinatorPro.
3) Overview of Online Banking Malware & Countermeasures: 1h webinar
Giorgio Fedon will present how attackers currently identify and exploit web vulnerabilities on financial institution websites to stealing credentials. Giorgio also will demonstrate how compromised customer PC’s can compromise online transaction platforms. Finally he will present a new technology “AMT Banking Malware Detector” that allows banks to identify users infected with malware before they become victims of fraud.