we are.
Minded security
The Company
IMQ Minded Security was established in Italy in 2007 with a focus on supporting businesses and organizations to build secure products and services. Today IMQ Minded Security is an IMQ Group Company.
Key people in IMQ Minded Security are OWASP contributors since 2002 with the following roles:
- OWASP Italy Founder and Co-Chair since 2005
- OWASP Testing Guide Lead since 2006;
- OWASP SAMM contributors and sponsor since 2009;
- OWASP SwSec 5D Framework lead since 2018;
- OWASP Cloud Security Testing lead since 2018;
- OWASP Distinguished Lifetime Membership Awards in 2021.
We are involved in the following Automotive Cyber Security initiatives:
- Automotive Security Research Group (ASRG) – Milan Chapter Board
- UNI ECE 155 – WG Expert
- ISO TC22/SC32/WG11 “Cybersecurity” – WG Expert
- EuroNCAP Cyber Security WG Expert
- Designated CS / OTA experts in GRVA for the IT Ministry of Transport
Teachers at Masters in Cyber Security (University of Bologna, Roma Tre, Genova) and CyberChallenge.it, and invited speakers at EUSECWEST, ISACA, ISC2, OWASP, and Security conferences worldwide
The creation of IMQ Minded Security Research Lab resulted in some of the most important advancements in software security including the development of the first tool for Flash Security Testing (SWFintruder), and the first tool for Client Side Testing using Dynamic Tainting Analysis (DOMinatorPro).
Our unique expertise on Software Security permits us to support businesses and organizations to build secure products and services.
IMQ Minded Security innovative technologies are the culmination of over many years of research and thousands of successful software security consulting engagements at leading public and private organizations throughout the world.
UNI EN ISO 9001 and UNI ISO/IEC 27001 certification.
In 2022 IMQ Minded Security has managed to obtain certification for the quality and information security management system for the provision of consultancy services related to the secure software development cycle and the provision of security testing services.

More information here:
Here you can read our Quality and Information Security Policy.